środa, 7 sierpnia 2024

Why meaurements at AWC / EO weight more than national measurements

EO 2024 is over and as usually there are some controversies concerning dogs that were measured out of a category. It is of course a personal drama and definitely a huge disappointment for the handlers involved, but as some people question how come measurement by the judge of the FCI measuring commission weights more than sometimes 2 measurements from their national judges, here's my two cents. 

Mojo (34,7 cm), Brava (38 cm), Brego (44 cm), so small - medium - intermediate (previously large)

Let’s start with the fact that generally the measuring system we have (that is measuring dog’s height at the withers) is amateurish and inaccurate in several ways and perhaps in time we could find a better way, although personally think that it would be possible only with x-rays and (ok, not being a vet I’m not entirely sure this is possible) for instance measuring ulna from olecranon process to styloid process.

But for now, you have to consider the following variables:
- the condition of the dog – whether the dog is muscled, fat, hydrated and so on,
- the stance of the dog, especially the position of the head – that can be taught and the better and more natural your dog stacks, the more accurate measurement is possible. Personally, I devote quite a lot of time to that.
- the measuring device – years ago we got pretty weird official measure of one of our dogs, which didn’t matter much as it wouldn’t influence the category (at that time the dog was clearly large), but still we wondered, and we actually measured the measuring stick with another measuring tape… and got 2 cm difference. So well, the measuring device should be certified and accurate.
- how the measuring person perceives the withers – this is actually not so easy and you’d see that some judges would generally tend to measure a bit lower or a bit higher, depending on where they actually put the measuring stick. As part of Polish agility commission I witness lots of measurements to make sure the dog is standing as correctly as possible and the judge is not putting the measure at the middle of dog’s back rather than at the withers (I actually had to reject such measurement once, so this is not a hypothetical example).
- the fact that measuring regulations very greatly from country to country when it comes to the number of measurements, who can perform it, age of the dog when measured and so on.

There are also factors concerning well, honesty and good intentions of both the dog’s owner and the person doing the measurement and if you read the above, you can deduce some things that can be done to get a particular measurement. Sadly, people can and some do cheat and also go great lengths to achieve particular result.

By doing an official measuring at AWC / EO, you eliminate at least some of the variables. Yes, the method is still flawed, but what you get is:
- the measurement is done by a person who has been trained on how to do this properly,
- the measurement is done with same equipment for everybody, on the same surface,
- the microchip of the measured dog is checked and recorded,
- the measurement is public and witnessed by lots of people – team captains, team members etc.
- in case of doubt, there are other members of the measuring committee to consult, check the correctness of the measurement or measure themselves to get second opinion. Again, I have witnessed the measuring process several times – and really, in case of doubt there is always more than one measure taken, the handler is told to go for a walk and come back to get the dog more relaxed and so on. The intention is to get as fair and as accurate measurement as possible. 

Yes, considering how costly going to EO or AWC can be and how heartbreaking it can be to go all the way and not be able to compete if the dog is measured out of its category, it would be great if we could get the official measurement by the FCI measuring commission done (with all the correct procedures) at some other events during the year or at least enter the non-competiting dogs for measurement as well for the future - that would be especially valuable from the competitors from overseas. 

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